Friday 25 April 2014

Tasty Thursday - Review: Roti Canai in Georgetown, Penang

Many people have waxed lyrical about the roti canai from Transfer Road - claiming that it is the best roti canai on the Island, if not, Georgetown. Naturally, I had to try it out.

Don't waste your time trying this canai.

Oh those poor souls - you don't know what a good piece of roti canai is. The Transfer Road roti canai that I had was tough and cold, and the dhal was completely watered down. Maybe if I had ordered the roti canai to be drowned in the various curries it would have gone down a whole lot better. Considering that roti canai is the sole produce being sold by this stall, it should have been much better.

I also have to add that the service is quite slow. When I asked for an additional sambal, the stall worker glared at me and told me off for just ordering dhal only earlier on. By the time I got my sambal, I was nearly done eating my roti canai.

Not a trip worth repeating. (Especially since parking is not easily available to access this road-side stall)

Then recently, during my hunt for breakfast around Georgetown, I discovered a road-side stall along Lebuh Buckingham, a short distance from Masjid Kapitan Keling.

Oh so good!
L-R (clockwise): Teh tarik; Roti Telur, Curry; Roti Pisang
(All of the above and a glass of iced tea = RM7.80)
Oh my - roti canai perfection. And the curry was amazing. This is the roti canai that people should sing songs about!

Fyi, both of these were consumed during breakfast hours. I wouldn't be sure if these stalls are opened at other times of the day.

Happy food hunting, my loves!

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