Friday 15 February 2013

Tasty Thursday - Review : Ben's General Food Store, Bangsar Village

So, recently I met up with a friend at Ben's General Food Store (hereinafter "Ben's") in Bangsar Village as the originally planned, Plan B was packed. (Side story, Plan B and Ben's are under the same company.)

I was feeling a little under the weather and decided to order something healthier than usual. I present the selected menu:


Mushroom lasagne, with a side Caesar Salad and Ben's Iced Tea.

The caesar salad was awesome, the lettuce was fresh and the salad sauce was yummy, although they could have been a bit more generous with it. I also like the gruyere chip (singular) served in the salad for that extra salty crunch - yum.

On the other end of the scale, the mushroom lasagne was slightly warm bordering on cold when I put my fork into it, and it was a tad bit dry for my liking.

Ben's Iced Tea is basically iced green tea with lemons and limes, something my throat sorely needed.

Based on the meal mentioned above, I highly doubt that I will be going back to Ben's anytime soon. Personally, I will wait it out for a table at Plan B.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Sunday 3 February 2013

Derp face for derp(tastic) trip

So, I believe there is a really high chance of travels to a distant land this coming December for me, C. Yay!

And I really want this to be an awesome-sauce trip (and to materialise). And because I have a tendency to go on bouts of spring cleaning and throw used paper on my desk, I figured it'd be safer to jot down the few things I've come across for the upcoming trip on this here blogeroonie.

I'm quite sure you'll be able to guess where I'll be heading to after having scrolled down to see what information I've pulled from the internet.

Mode of transport. Need to get me one of these babies when I get onto level ground. Price will be around RM60++ for the starting fee. And possible top-ups will be needed.

Picture Hint #1: Octopus on a card?? Say whuttttt

Accommodation. None of note yet. I did stumble across a blog whose author stayed at a boutique apartment and they were extremely pleased with security.  CHI RESIDENCES 279. Ok, noted and will bring up mention when discussing plans with travel partners.

Clothing. Winter time. Expecting temperature to be about 24 to 25 degrees in the celcius - oh yeah. 

Shopping: Argyle Center is supposed to be nice and bargain-chock-full!

Attractions: Apparently the whole place will be lit with festivities and wonderment. Whoop whoop!

If you haven't guessed yet, the trip will be in "Perfume Harbour" :D

Suggestions are mostestestest welcome

Monocle and Goldfish aficionado