Sunday 20 January 2013

Food Friday: Ajisen Ramen (post mortem two days late)

We decided to head out for a quick round of window shopping before Monday hit us again. So, destination of choice: Sunway Pyramid. We didn't really get up to spending much money, which is always nice... You know that unwanted purchase which you regret after that one moment of impulse.

So, after having gotten some essentials like skincare products, we decided to stop for a quick meal of brunch at Ajisen Ramen. Located on the topmost, or at least i think, floor in Sunway Pyramid.. i felt that the lack of neon lights would make most miss the place.

C speaking here now: Well, previously, I have had Ajisen Ramen in Australia, and had come to quite love their well known pork broth... but in M'sia as pork is non-halal, I was not too shocked to find out the broth in M'sia Ajisen would be quite different to that of in Aust. But why not give it a chance, right?

We both ordered hot ocha at RM2.50 per cup. Pretty hefty price I think for a non-special green tea drink. But since it was refillable, I didn't mind so much. It came in a rather unassuming plastic cup, not much else to say really.

Chicken katsu don - I would not order this dish again. Rating from 1 to 5... I would give it a 1. Flavourless and dry, it left much to be desired.

Paikut Ramen (homemade ramen) - The soup was okay, but I dearly missed the pork broth from Australia..(mmmmm, pork) . Better than the don.

And funnily enough, the star of the show (for me at least) was the fried garlic side which was provided together with the toothpick stand. I thought it was rather hilarious, don't you?
 Mmm, saviour to flavourless food.
Unfortunately, my love for piling on the fried garlic severely diminished when I overdid it by filling a small portion of my bowl with it. Too overwhelming! Note to self, practice moderation even in the face of plain dry rice.

Verdict: -_-

Till next time,
Monocle & Goldfish afficianado

Monday 7 January 2013

Onward bound to a fantastical year

On the 31st December 2012, I flew homeward bound to my "kampung". And so begins another chapter of my life.

I don't quite know what to make of it, but I do know that the monocle is good with the goldfish :')
Excuse the crypticness, which doesn't really bear much meaning...

So, yeah, I enjoyed a wonderful flight, it wasn't a full flight so I had both aisle and window seats to myself. And! even better, i sourced out a three seater freely available just adjacent to me. Having waited a good hour for someone else to claim it, there weren't any takers. So I slept on the plane, horizontally, for the first time ever! A good 6 years of travelling at a constant, and now to a more grounding year...
 Oh glorious three seater :3

Until next morrow,